Math + CS Student at Clemson University

Hi! I'm Ell Torek, an undergraduate student and teaching assistant in the Clemson University Honors College, the School of Computing, and the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. I'm interested in theoretical computer science, programming languages, and formal verification methods.

I represent Clemson in ICPC and the Putnam Competition. I'm also president of the Clemson University ACM Student Chapter.

Feel free to contact me at ctorek@clemson.edu.


B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science. Clemson University, 2027.


TA for CPSC 1070: Programming Methodology at Clemson University. (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

Honors + Awards

President's List, Clemson University, Fall 2023 & Spring 2024


Organizer, CUHackit, October 2024 - Present

President, Clemson ACM, September 2024 - Present

Volunteer Tutor, Clemson Math-In, December 2023 - Present